
发布时间:2018-09-18 文章来源:

掌握了激光头复合6自由度调节装置、 自动定位焊缝位置的分布式液压内撑装置、 空间曲面蒙皮骨架结构装夹装置、 毛细管路同步旋转装置等工装的设计开发技术,具备针对不同的产品对象, 进行专用工装设计的能力。
We have mastered the fixture design and development technology of laser head compound 6 degree of freedom ad1usting device, distributed hydraulic support devices of automatic positioning for weld seams, clamping device of space-curved skin skeleton structures, synchronous rotation devices of capillary tubes, and other technologies. It is capable of designing special tooling towards different product objects